After a fairly deep sleep on our somewhat turbulent plane ride, I was awakened to the smell of warmed croissants being passed out for breakfast. Considering the fact that breakfast was being served on the plane, it was shockingly good. About an hour later, the plane landed and all passengers were warmly welcomed into the city of Santiago.
First stop after deplaning and bathrooms: paying the required reciprocity fee. Only five countries are required to pay a fee upon arriving to Chile, and of course the fee for citizens of the United States is the highest at $160 USD. Before leaving, Brice, one of our advisors stressed that the bills we were using to pay the fee must be kept absolutely perfect. Everyone, myself included, seemed to be relieved to be rid of the bills and no longer have to be so careful for fear that we would not be allowed in the country. Customs passed without a problem, and border control only had to search one of my bags after running it through their system and thankfully found nothing of concern. I was, however, worried for a minute that there was something I did not remember packing in my bag that was not allowed to be brought into Chile.
After making our way through the process of entering the country, we meet Jorge, the engineering professor coming on the trip, as well as two of the Chilean students who will be spending time with our group. They were both very nice and talkative, and enjoyed sharing their experiences with us. They joined us on the bus to Viña del Mar, although I doubt that part of the journey was much fun for them because almost everyone was jet-lagged and once again feel asleep.
Jorge and Brice took us on a quick tour of the city this afternoon including the beach, mall, and an area with a large collection of restaurants close to the beach. Lunch was delicious and very filing, and watching the street performers provided a bit of afternoon entertainment. To conclude the evening, we were given free time and Hannah and I returned to the mall and the vendors in front of the mall before I decided to call it a night and we both returned to the hotel. Hopefully after a good night's rest I will be wide awake and ready for more adventures and the lectures scheduled for tomorrow.
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