During our two weeks here in Chile,
I feel I have learned a lot about the culture here and am now more accustomed
to some of the differences between the customs of people from the United States
and those of Chileans. For example, it
seems very natural now to greet people I know with a kiss, and people I see but
do not know by saying “hola” or “buenos dias.”
I have also become more comfortable with listening to people speaking
Spanish and it is a little bit easier for me to catch some of what they are
saying if it is slow enough. From the
experiences I have had during this trip, it seems to me that Chileans are
usually very friendly, accepting people, with a more relaxed lifestyle than
people from the United States, which I have enjoyed during our time here. I enjoyed the time that I spent here, and it is my hope that sometime soon I will have the opportunity to return to South America.
Monday, May 20, 2013
May 17th: Last Day in Chile
Today was a bittersweet day, as it
was our last day in Chile. To make the
most of our time and to attempt to spend our leftover pesos, Hannah, Alex, and
I left the hotel early to walk along the beach and visit some of the artisan
shops one last time. None of us
considered the fact, though, that we were heading to the beach on a weekday morning
during a time of the year with very few tourists, so when we arrived at the
beach there were almost no people with shops set up. Therefore, we sat for a while and soaked up
our last views of the beautiful, clear blue ocean. Eventually we decided to walk down the beach
further to see if the artisans that do not set up their goods at the stands
were at the beach, but they were not.
Instead, we found a large group of people, many of whom appeared to be
middle and high school marching band students.
I am not quite sure what all of the bands were doing, but my guess is
that they were getting ready for a parade to celebrate the national holiday
that takes place on the 21st (Navy Day, which also is a celebration
of the Battle of Iquique). To celebrate
the fact that it was our last day in Chile, many people from our Plus3 group
ate empanadas at the place we have gone several times throughout the trip. Hannah, Alex, and I then returned quickly to
the beach to finish spending our pesos on souvenirs before going back to the
hotel to finish packing.
Sunday, May 19, 2013
May 16th: Horseback Riding
Today's planned activity, horseback riding, provided a very scenic view of the area close to where we have been staying. The ride helped me realize that Chile not only has a large range of climates throughout the country because of its length, but also has many different terrains in the area surrounding Santiago and Viña del Mar. The ranch where we started our trip was in an area that was predominantly grassland with a few trees. We then rode down a trail and crossed a road to get to the beach, where we rode for a little while. Even if I lived on the coast of Chile, I don't think I would ever take the ocean for granted. The water is so blue here, and the coasts are beautiful, especially when they are a combination of rocks and sand, as they are at some points. When we left the coast, we returned to the plains landscape, which reminded me a lot of eastern Colorado except for the fact that there were significantly more trees in this area. After this area there was a stretch of sand dunes which looked somewhat desert-like. This part of the ride had the scariest part, as there was a section where the horses had to follow one another in a single file line to avoid sliding down one of the dunes. This section made me especially nervous because for a lot of the ride my horse liked to walk as close as possible to the horses next to it rather than going in front or letting the other horse go first. Everyone made it across with no problems. The final area we passed through before stopping for a small break was a forest.
The provided snack was delicious. The guides brought a few fresh pineapples and cut them when we took our break. I do not know if I have ever eaten pineapple as fresh and as sweet as the ones they brought. It was especially delicious since I have not had as much fruit as normal during this trip. After our break we retraced part of our original route to get back. By the end of the trip I was very ready to get off my horse because I was sore from riding such a long time. Since I have not ridden many horses I was not really sure how to get the horse to do what I wanted, and therefore it decided to trot most of the time which, as I found out, is the worst of the three speeds that we went because of the rhythm of the horse's gait.
Tonight, we met Verner and many of our Chilean friends at a pizza place in Viña del Mar. It was nice to have the opportunity to all be together for one last night before leaving Chile and getting to see many of our new friends. To end our trip, many of the Chileans and almost all of the people in our study abroad socialized and danced for most of the night into the early morning.
Saturday, May 18, 2013
May 15th: Spa Day
After our busy day yesterday, we had a fun, relaxing day planned today. This morning, we left later than usual and rode the bus to an outdoor recreation center with two pools, a tennis and soccer court, and a playground. When we arrived, we were given empanadas and drinks, and then almost everyone lay down next to the pool and relaxed or slept. After a little while, some people decided to kick around a soccer ball, and I joined them since I was not as tired as everyone else. It did not take long for us to realize that other people were not waking up so playing soccer was not going to work at that time. Therefore we joined the people sitting by one of the pools and talked until lunch time. After lunch, Hannah and I swung on the swing set and talked for a while. A few of us wanted to play tennis while we were there, but unfortunately there were not rackets and balls available for rent.
Thursday, May 16, 2013
May 14th: Company Visits
Out of all of the days during this trip, today was one of the most intense academically. Last week, we completed two company visits on two different days, and today we completed three more. The first place we visited was the factory of a tool company named Hela. There, we were shown the process for manufacturing paint brushes, smoothing brushes, and paint rollers. At Hela, the processes we were shown all involved a large amount of manual labor. As an example, the paint roller process begins with someone feeding a plastic rod through a machine so the fabric can attach to it. Then the rolls are moved across the room to be cut into the correct size by someone feeding the rod through a machine with a saw that enabled the lengths to be uniform without previous measurements being taken. After being cut, the rollers are then measured to make sure they are the correct size and blown to eliminate creases between the strips of fabric. The Hela representatives said that their company plans to acquire new machines to further automate the production process. I am guessing that tool manufacturers in the United States have more automated machines than Hela partially because labor in the US is more expensive and partially because automation is more precise and efficient. However, as these machines are introduced to the company, some of the workers' jobs will become unnecessary, so I hope Hela has plans to make the transition as smooth as possible.
Our second tour was at a canning company called Centauro. At the start of our tour the owner who was originally supposed to lead our tour was in a meeting to discuss a possible solution to the company's current peach shortage, but he joined us by the end of our tour. As with Hela, there was a fair amount of manual labor required to complete the process of making and packaging products. When we visited, the product on which people were working was jalapeños for another company. The main products for this company, though, are tomato based items such as tomato paste and tomato sauce. It seemed to me that one of the biggest challenges for Centauro is to make enough product to meet the demands of their customers each year, but not have a lot of extra stored because of the limited shelf life of food products.
After lunch, the last place we stopped was Bosques del Mauco, a mushroom factory. Upon exiting the bus, the first thing I noticed was the smell of the factory, which soon got significantly worse as we walked deeper into the site. The reason for the strong smell was the manure that is used for cultivating the mushrooms. It seemed to me that the most complicated part of the mushroom growing process is preparing the compost that is later used to grow the mushrooms. During the preparation process, the mixture of manure and hay must be properly moisturized and at the same time not have harmful bacteria growing that could later infect the mushrooms and be rich in the necessary nutrients for mushroom production. The mushrooms are grown in this mixture on trays in the factory. We got to see steps all along the production process including the growth, picking, and packaging of the mushrooms. Aside from the smell, this visit was very interesting to me, and the man leading the tour was very informative.
Tonight, Hannah, Alex, and I plan to spend some time touring Viña del Mar with our new friend Diego.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
May 13th: Presentations and fútbol
This morning, we finally gave our company presentations for Jaime. Last night, my group had to change a few parts of our presentation, though, because we were asked to not present information on the important Chilean people this time, and that was the research I did for the project. Despite the fact that it had been a while since we researched the companies and I was presenting on LAN's competitors for the first time, I felt it went well. The other groups did a very good job on their presentations as well, and Jaime had very thought provoking questions. I learned through this process that it is important to know the information other people are supposed to present in case changes need to be made or something happens so they cannot present. Once everyone finished presenting, we had a conversation with Jaime about differences between the culture of Chile and the United States. Some of the differences people mentioned were interesting to me such as the lack of traffic laws. As I mentioned in a previous post, the most difficult cultural difference for me to get used to has been restaurant procedures.
This afternoon, we played soccer with about ten of the Chilean students. They were all very good even though some of them claimed to not play much soccer. At first I was hesitant to go after the ball because it has been a long time since I played soccer and all of the Chileans as well as some people in our group were competitive. Eventually, though, I got more comfortable with playing again and had a great time. I am not sure why soccer is not a more popular game in the United States, as it is a lot of fun, can involve any number of people, and can be played almost anywhere. To end the night, Hannah and I returned to the empanaderia since we will soon not be able to get empanadas, and that is the place we are most comfortable ordering food.
Monday, May 13, 2013
May 12th: Relaxing Free Day
After a long busy week of activity, it was nice to have a day to relax and recharge before another busy week. Most of the morning I spent in the hotel, and this afternoon, my friend Alex and I tried to go to a history museum. Unfortunately, though, I forgot when looking at the hours that today was Sunday, not Monday, so it was closed by the time we went. The building's architecture was interesting, and the building being restored next door was even more beautiful. Despite the fact that we missed the museum, I am glad Alex and I walked there because there was a Moai statute outside that was really cool to see in person. The statue was not as large as I expected from the pictures I have seen, so I wonder if this one was smaller than most. I think it is unfortunate that this statue was brought to Viña del Mar, though, because these statues represent the ancestors of the people of Easter Island and are very important to them. Then, Alex and I went to the artisan shops by the mall. Once again there was not a lot that I was interested in buying, but there was more of a selection this time since we went earlier. I have noticed while being here that despite the fact that clothes and restaurants seem to be more expensive than in the United States, handmade crafts are usually cheaper.
Tonight, Brice and Jorge took us out to dinner at a very fancy restaurant by the beach. We started with an appetizer of various seafood that was shared around the table. For the main course, many people ordered steak, but I decided to order a salad with crab meat since it has been somewhat difficult to find fresh vegetables. To finish, we had a dessert sampler of the most popular desserts at the restaurant. After so much food, though, I had very little appetite for dessert and just tried a little bit of each.
Sunday, May 12, 2013
May 11th: Free Day
After relaxing at the hotel for awhile, a small group of us headed to the beach to shop at the artisan booths. The artisans are all very talented, and many of the shops along the beach have handmade crafts, rather than mass produced goods. Many of the people tried very hard to communicate with me and Hannah, and sometimes we understood enough to have a short conversation with them. Once the people we met figured out that we did not speak much Spanish, many either started trying to talk to us in English or slowed and simplified their sentences. We walked all the way down the beach to a castle on the rock outcrop in Viña del Mar. The inside of the castle was less decorated and less architecturally interesting than I expected, but the views were beautiful.
To end the evening, most of our group went to a party at the house of one of the Chileans who lives close to the hotel. I had a lot of fun talking with some of the people there and getting to know some of the Chileans and people in our study abroad group better. It seems to me that many of the students here in Chile have studied or traveled abroad in the United States, and love telling us what cities they have visited, which for the most part are on one of the coasts. This past week has been very busy, but also a lot of fun. I can't believe our trip is halfway over and that on Friday we will be heading back to the airport for our journey home.
Saturday, May 11, 2013
May 10th: Winery, Poets, and Dancing
Or first stop this morning involved a visit to a vineyard
named Viña Indomita. The vineyard is some distance away from Viña del
Mar, so we took a sleepy bus ride to Casablanca Valley. Casablanca Valley is a beautiful place surrounded by
rolling hills and filled with grape vines. The building where the
processing of grapes occurs is positioned on top of one of the hills and
overlooks the valley below. After taking in the breathtaking scenery,
we were met by a representative of the winery to take a tour and learn
about their company and the winemaking process.
The grapes in the vineyard are, of course, the first part
of the wine making process. At this time of year, the grapes are harvested, but they
must have the correct sugar level before being picked. The most
interesting part of this step is the vineyard's use of roses. Roses are a
similar plant to grape vines, but are more delicate. By placing rose
bushes near the vines, the people tending the plants can see when
diseases hit rose plants and then have time to react before the same
disease affects the vines. The bushes also attract aphids away from the
vines and good bugs to the area.
After being picked, the grapes are taken inside the
production building to finish the process. White wines and red wines are
produced in different ways. The process for making white wine was more
interesting to me than for making red wine. The grapes are brought in
chilled and the juice is extracted by squishing the grapes with a
balloon. It is important to not damage the skins in this process because
of chemicals in the skins and because the skins give color to red wine.
I wonder how this process was developed, as it seems somewhat obscure.
It would probably take many different designs to get to one that works
as well as the current one. The production room was full of
large stainless steel tanks which are used to age the less complex
wines. According to our guide, the lower quality wines cannot be aged in
barrels because the wood aroma and taste would overpower that of the
Next, we were taken into the room where the higher quality
wines are aged in barrels. This room has to be kept at a very constant
temperature, humidity, and lighting for the wine to properly age. For
example, if the room is too warm, the wine can evaporate out of the pores
in the wood. To maintain the high humidity level necessary, there are
rock beds under the rows of barrels to which water can be added. The
winemaker is the most important person in the process, as he is
the one who determines when the aging process is over through tasting
and through monitoring the amount of time the wine has aged. It seems to me that the winemaker
would have to be very knowledgeable about all of the details of the
process in order to produce high quality wines. We were told that
winemakers are agricultural engineers, but my guess is that they are
knowledgeable in many more areas such as chemistry and industrial
To conclude our tour, we tasted three of the wines produced
by Viña Indomita. I do not like the taste of many wines in general, but
they seemed to be a very good quality, and I am sure that people who
like wine would enjoy drinking them.
We then drove to Isla Negra to see one of Pablo Neruda's
houses. Before touring, though, we ate lunch at a cafe next to his house
with an expansive ocean view. Lunch consisted of an appetizer of shells
filled with seafood and cheese, a main course of fish soup, and
tiramisu for dessert. Everything was delicious, but the amount of food
was huge!
Pablo Neruda's house was a very interesting place. His
house was inspired by boats and trains and was full of various
collections including bottles, shops in bottles, figures from the prows
of boats, compasses, bugs, and many other seemingly random things.
According to the self-guided tour we took, his house was an inspiration
for much of his written work. Since Pablo Neruda is such a well known Chilean author, it was interesting to see his home in Isla Negra and what inspired his work. I am interested in reading some of his works now that I know more about his life and have seen where he lived.
To conclude the night's activities, we had another dance lesson at the University. This class rather than having a specific style was more like a Zumba class. It was a lot of fun and reminded me of some of the dance classes I have taken at home.
After returning to Viña del Mar, Hannah and I decided to try to get dinner on our own. With the cultural and language differences, it was difficult for us to figure out if we were supposed to order before sitting, or wait to be sat, or just sit down and wait for someone to wait on us at the place we started at. Consequently, we went to another restaurant and found someone who could speak enough English that we could figure out what to do until getting a menu. We were very proud of our accomplishment of getting food, and hope that it will be possible to do so easier next time.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
May 9th: Dancing and LAN
The requested meeting time this morning was the latest so far, but we had to be alert and ready to move earlier than other days. Our first activity of the day was learning the national dance of Chile, cueca. In my opinion, cueca was more difficult to learn than the basic salsa that we were taught earlier in the week. The actual steps are not hard, but the order of the steps and the patterns were somewhat confusing to me. Most of the class was taught in Spanish, but it was not hard to follow the instructions given. The fact that Chile has a national dance shows the importance of music and dancing in their culture. As far as I know, the United States does not have a national dance, and if we do it is not as important as cueca appears to be in Chile.
Today we went on our first company visit to LAN Airlines. The two company representatives, José (the person who presented yesterday) and his co-worker Luis explained many aspects of the company in great detail and showed us a few areas of the maintenance facility at the Santiago airport including the inside of a new Boeing 787. The 787 planes, which LAN is in the process of incorporating into their fleet, are beautiful. They are made of a composite material which is supposed to last much longer than the aluminum mixture that is used on older models of airplanes (40 years versus 20 years) and increase the amount of time between maintenance checks (6 years between major maintenance work versus 2 years). The improvement of these planes is a huge testament to the accomplishments of engineers working for airplane companies such as Boeing and Airbus. To me, 40 years seems like a really long time to be flying the same planes, and I wonder what implications this will have. For example, with the fact that newer planes will likely be developed during the lifetime of these planes, will they actually fly for the whole time that they can, or will airlines buy newer airplanes before this time to keep up with competitors and possibly new regulations. Regardless, the planes are the among the best technology existing at this time and will probably be considered nice planes for some time to come.
At LAN, we also learned some things about the maintenance process for planes and technologies that the airline is incorporating. Following many other companies, LAN has a commitment to sustainability. The planes in their fleet are equipped with winglets, vertical pieces added to the end of plane wings, to increase fuel efficiency and LAN has actually saved quite a bit of fuel with this small change. They also have a group that figures out ways to reduce fuel in the maintenance process such as reducing the time engines are idling and moving planes with small vehicles rather than using the jet engines when moving around on the ground.
Tonight, we were supposed to come back to the university for another dance lesson where we would have learned Reggaeton, but we got back to Viña del Mar too late and were unable to do so.
May 8th: Chilean Culture Day
All day today we were at the university learning about Chilean culture from a former student guide named José. He was very thorough in his description of different components of the culture and kept the lessons fun and interesting.
To start the morning, we were given a quick overview of the history of Chile. With the exception of the first leader of Chile, Bernard O'Higgins, and the dictatorship of Pinochet from 1973 to 1989, Chile has had a democratic system of government. They are currently on their way to becoming a developed country, and based on the current growth rate will achieve this goal by 2025. Because Chile is in the process of becoming a developed nation, it seems like it would be a great time for both business people and engineers to come to Chile. From what the lecturers have said, it appears that Chile is starting to try to increase the technological innovation in the country, so engineers will likely be in high demand during this period. Paired with the history lesson was an introduction to Chilean poets, specifically Pablo Neruda and Gabriela Mistral. We learned that in addition to being an author, Pablo Neruda was involved in politics and brought people to Chile from other countries with Project Winnipeg.
Next, we learned about the regions of Chile and tourism in the country. When learning about the country before coming here, there were many sources that mentioned the large amount of diversity in the country. Until this lecture, though, it didn't really occur to me how different they actually are. Chile is divided into fifteen regions with the fifteenth located in Antarctica. The climates range from desert in the north to cold in the south, and the cultures vary between regions. Based on the pictures in the presentation, it seems that there are many beautiful nature sites to visit throughout Chile. For example, San Pedro de Atacama, located in the second region from the north, is an area with geysers and a salt lake; Torres del Paine, located in the southernmost region, is a grouping of three "towers" which can be hiked around in six days. It seems a shame that people do not always realize how diverse this country is and all of the hidden gems here. When Chile becomes a developed country, I hope more people will want to travel here to see the country especially outside the Santiago and Valparaiso area.
The last morning lecture was mostly about Chilean art. There are not many art museums in the country, but the indigenous groups all have very distinct crafts that the Chileans recognize as art. In addition, several artists including Roberto Matta and Nemesio Antúnez have pieces in the MOMA in New York.
After lunch, our discussions continued with a presentation on Chilean society. There are many subtle differences between the culture of the United States and that of Chile that are important to know. One of the most interesting to me is that Chileans have a difficult time saying no. When visiting or working here, this would be an important detail to remember to avoid offending Chileans by being too pushy in negotiations or too direct when telling them no. There is a new program in the country to try to increase research and development and entrepreneurship in the country called Start-Up Chile. From what I understand, the program is trying to increase global connections by having foreigners work in Chile for awhile and then maintaining their business connections if they leave to work somewhere else. It sounded like an interesting concept, and I hope it works for them.
Near the end of the day, José discussed natural disasters, particularly earthquakes and tsunamis, and gave us tips on how to stay safe if one occurs during our visit, since they are relatively common here.
To conclude the day, we learned about Chilean music and dance. Just as there are many regional cultures, there are also many regional musical styles which seemed to be largely influenced by the indigenous groups in the area. Of course there are also other styles of music that are popular in the country, but the ones focused on during the presentation were the more traditional styles.
After the lectures were over today, we rode the city bus back to Viña del Mar. This was not our first time on the city buses, but they deserve a mention. The drivers of the city buses in Viña del Mar and Valparaiso are paid a commission for the tickets they sell. Consequently, they pack as many people as possible on the bus and drive quickly between stops in order to try to sell as many tickets as possible. Whenever our group rides the bus most of us are standing as close to one another as possible and holding on tightly to try to avoid falling which is often a very difficult task. When the bus approaches a stop, they open the doors before stopping and several times we have been afraid of falling out the back door. We have ridden the bus enough now that we are starting to adapt to the insanity, but every time is definitely an adventure.
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
May 7th: Santiago
Our city tour guides then took us around part of the city to get to the history museum. I am sure it is an excellent museum, but everything was in Spanish and my vocabulary is not coming back as quickly as I has hoped. Seeing the pictures and artifacts, though, was very interesting, especially a copy of the book that Salvador Allende wrote (La Realidad Médico Social de Chile) that I had read about when I was researching for our group's company presentation.
For lunch, we ate at a seafood place in the central market. I had Chilean sea bass with a creamy seafood sauce which had scallops and shrimp. The food was delicious, and definitely worth the slightly higher meal cost.
To conclude our excursion to Santiago, we rode the funicular up a mountain to see the view from there and also walked to the summit of the mountain where there is a giant statute. I did not expect there to be as much smog as there was over the city of Santiago, and the view of the mountains was partially obstructed by it. Nevertheless, the view was stunning and provided a good idea of the size of the city.
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
May 6th: Welcome to Valparaiso!
Lunch at the university cafeteria was an interesting experience. All students who eat lunch on campus eat between one and two, and our large group, consequently, was eating at the same time as everyone else. Finding tables to seat everyone was surprisingly easy, though, because our guides asked several students if we could use their table and they willingly sat somewhere else.
In the afternoon, two other students, Tomás and Rudolfo, led us on a tour of Valparaiso. The bus trip started in the city, and our group walked around the main plaza for a little while. Then we went to a path that led to the open sky museum. The museum consisted of murals and many beautiful views of the beach and the city. While we were walking along the path through the museum, we were followed by several stray dogs all the way up and back down. Seeing all of the houses on the hillside made me realize how important structural design is in this city. The hills around Valparaiso are so steep that sometimes the houses go from one story on one side to five stories on the other. When earthquakes strike, I would hope that the houses are relatively stable, and that appears to be a sizable challenge.
After our tour, we were introduced to Chilean empanadas. They were delicious, and have many options of flavors, so it was difficult to pick one to order. I am definitely planning on trying others later in the trip and am sure they will be just as good.
To finish off the organized activities for the night, we learned the basic steps for salsa dancing. I do not think anyone in our group has ever salsa danced before, but we all had a blast and learned the steps quickly. The instructor loved to have fun and joke with us while we were learning, which kept everyone alert and laughing. I cannot wait to have our other two lessons with him to learn Reggaeton and more salsa steps.
Sunday, May 5, 2013
May 5th: Arrival in Chile
After a fairly deep sleep on our somewhat turbulent plane ride, I was awakened to the smell of warmed croissants being passed out for breakfast. Considering the fact that breakfast was being served on the plane, it was shockingly good. About an hour later, the plane landed and all passengers were warmly welcomed into the city of Santiago.
First stop after deplaning and bathrooms: paying the required reciprocity fee. Only five countries are required to pay a fee upon arriving to Chile, and of course the fee for citizens of the United States is the highest at $160 USD. Before leaving, Brice, one of our advisors stressed that the bills we were using to pay the fee must be kept absolutely perfect. Everyone, myself included, seemed to be relieved to be rid of the bills and no longer have to be so careful for fear that we would not be allowed in the country. Customs passed without a problem, and border control only had to search one of my bags after running it through their system and thankfully found nothing of concern. I was, however, worried for a minute that there was something I did not remember packing in my bag that was not allowed to be brought into Chile.
After making our way through the process of entering the country, we meet Jorge, the engineering professor coming on the trip, as well as two of the Chilean students who will be spending time with our group. They were both very nice and talkative, and enjoyed sharing their experiences with us. They joined us on the bus to Viña del Mar, although I doubt that part of the journey was much fun for them because almost everyone was jet-lagged and once again feel asleep.
Jorge and Brice took us on a quick tour of the city this afternoon including the beach, mall, and an area with a large collection of restaurants close to the beach. Lunch was delicious and very filing, and watching the street performers provided a bit of afternoon entertainment. To conclude the evening, we were given free time and Hannah and I returned to the mall and the vendors in front of the mall before I decided to call it a night and we both returned to the hotel. Hopefully after a good night's rest I will be wide awake and ready for more adventures and the lectures scheduled for tomorrow.
May 4th: Travel Day One
Today began the long trek to Chile. Our Plus3 group met up early to head to the airport exhausted but excited to be on our way. Security went surprisingly smoothly and allowed time for brunch and conversation before boarding the plane to Dallas. I was so exhausted from several nights of not much sleep that the minute the plane between moving I fell asleep and did not wake up for half of the flight.
During the second half of the plane ride, I took advantage of the free time to start getting caught up on the pile of magazines that I accumulated throughout the semester. After a busy few weeks consisting of finals and visiting my roommate's family, the plane ride was a welcome chance to relax.
In Dallas we had a six hour layover, which provided ample time to stretch our legs and explore. One of the other girls in the group, Hannah, and I walked through four of the five terminals in the airport and explored several of the shops along the way. I had a great time walking around with her and getting to know her better, and look forward to becoming better acquainted with the other people on this trip as well. The evening concluded with boarding the plane which transported us out of the country.
Monday, March 25, 2013
Welcome to my Chile Blog
Hello, and welcome to my Plus3 Chile Blog!! My name is Hannah, and I am an engineering student at the University of Pittsburgh. I am excited to be going to Chile in a little more than a month, and can't wait for all of the new experiences I will have and the people I will get to meet, especially the Chilean students who will serve as guides for our group.
Please check back in May for updates on my daily activities during this study abroad adventure.
Please check back in May for updates on my daily activities during this study abroad adventure.
Hola, y bienvenidos a mi blog Plus3 Chile. Me llamo Hannah, y soy una estudiante
ingeniera a la Universidad de Pittsburgh.
Soy emocionada por mi viaje a Chile que empieza en un poco mas de un
mes, y no puedo esperar tener experiencias nuevas y conocer amigos nuevos, especialmente
los estudiantes chilenos.
Por favor visita mí blog en mayo para actualizaciónes de mis
actividades durante este aventura de estudiar en el extranjero.
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